Ancestral HeartHealing™

Beneath the surface of our daily lives lie ancestral patterns—echoes of traumas and triumphs that have rippled through our family lines. Ancestral HeartHealing™ invites you to explore these echoes, offering a transformative journey into your heritage, where the gifts and burdens of the past illuminate the path to personal and spiritual growth.

Meeting your Guardian Ancestor

A steadfast presence from your lineage, the Guardian Ancestor serves as your guide, offering protection and wisdom accrued over generations. This entity is a cornerstone of many cultural beliefs and represents a pure, healing spirit in your life’s narrative.

Through guided hypnosis, we connect with your Guardian Ancestor, and discover the legacy—both the gifts and the lessons—awaiting you. A customised workbook accompanies this process, aiding your reflective journey.

Session Breakdown: Your Pathway to Connection

  1. Pre-Session Preparation: You will receive a specialised audio recording designed to serve as a 'quantum safety imprint.' This unique preparation tool should be listened to for one week before our session. It is crafted to attune your subconscious, ease you into the hypnosis experience, and foster a secure environment for connecting with your Guardian Ancestor.

  2. Hypnotic Guided Journey: During the session, I will facilitate a hypnotic journey to introduce you to your Guardian Ancestor. This profound meeting is an opportunity to receive wisdom, healing, and any ancestral gifts intended for you.

  3. Workbook for Deepening Bonds: Post-session, a carefully structured workbook will be provided to assist you in nurturing the newfound connection with your GA. This resource is designed to enrich your understanding and integration of the experience.

Investment: £111

Complete Ancestral HeartHealing™ Journey

Guardian Ancestor Discovery & Holistic Healing of the Four Core Wounds

Ancestral HeartHealing™ (AHH) addresses four primary wounds — Peace, Freedom, Safety, and Overflow — each rooted in generational trauma and behavioral patterns passed down through families.

  • Peace Wound: This wound manifests as perpetual conflict and struggle in life, from family disputes to toxic friendships. It stems from a fight response, leading to constant alertness and defensiveness. Healing promotes tranquility and self-compassion, allowing individuals to react calmly to life's challenges.

  • Freedom Wound: Linked to the flight response, this wound involves a deep-seated need to hide or flee to survive, resulting in anxiety, fear, and a lack of self-trust. Healing encourages authenticity and self-acceptance, freeing individuals from the shadows of shame and secrecy.

  • Safety Wound: Rooted in a fawn response, this wound arises from a need to please others for survival, often leading to people-pleasing and a suppression of one's true self. Healing this wound empowers individuals to establish boundaries and honor their authentic selves.

  • Overflow Wound: Associated with a freeze response, this wound is characterised by a persistent sense of scarcity, whether in resources, time, or affection. Healing transforms this mindset into one of abundance and trust in the universe's support.

In addition to healing these wounds, AHH includes a session connecting individuals to their divine lineage, tapping into the dormant gifts from ancestral gods or goddesses, thus completing the healing journey

12-Week Ancestral HeartHealing™ Journey

Week 1: Initiate with a Safety Imprint Audio Recording – a foundation for your journey to ensure a secure and receptive mindset.

Week 2: Guardian Ancestor (GA) Session – Engage in a 30-minute online session to meet your GA, receive your GA workbook, and a deep dive form for introspection.

Week 3: Deep Dive Discussion – A 30-minute online call to explore your insights from the workbook and select the ancestral wounds to focus on.

Week 4: First Ancestral Wound Healing – Delve into healing your first chosen wound.

Week 6: Second Ancestral Wound Healing – Address and heal the second ancestral wound.

Week 8: Third Ancestral Wound Healing – Focus on the third wound, seeking understanding and closure.

Week 10: Fourth Ancestral Wound Healing – Confront and heal the final ancestral wound.

Week 11: Goddess Lineage Session – Discover your divine ancestry and the dormant gifts awaiting activation.

Week 12: Integration Coaching Call – A concluding session to weave together the threads of your healing journey and discuss forward steps.

Investment: £1111*

*3 monthly instalments of £390 can be extended if needed. Timings have flexibility if longer is required to integrate sessions.  Email support is available throughout the package. 

Guardian Ancestor Journey Plus One Wound Package

Investment: £300

Comprehensive Guardian Ancestor Session: Experience all the foundational elements of connecting with your Guardian Ancestor, designed to align with your personal journey.

In-depth Intake Assessment: Begin with a detailed intake form that helps us understand your unique needs, culminating in a 30-minute online session to determine the most resonant ancestral wound for you to address.

Select Your Healing Focus: Together, we'll choose one ancestral wound to explore and heal, ensuring a tailored experience that resonates deeply with your individual path.

Custom Quantum Safety Imprint: Receive a personalized audio imprint to prepare your subconscious for the session, enhancing your safety and receptivity to hypnosis.

Dedicated Coaching Session: Conclude your journey with a 30-minute online coaching call, designed to integrate your experience and solidify your healing process.

Ongoing Email Support: Enjoy the benefit of consistent email support throughout the duration of your package, providing you with guidance whenever you need it.

  • Marilyn Holden

    Ishbel has had a hugely beneficial impact on my life. Her wide knowledge, skill and experience have all come into play to improve my mobility, health and all round wellbeing. She is a fount of information which she combines with great intuition to help and support in a caring, personalised manner for each individual. I am very grateful to have met and be working with Ishbel. She has improved my quality of life hugely.

  • Suzanne

    I attended a weekend retreat where one of the experiences was Heart Healing with Ishbel Benzie. Now I have known Ishbel for some time and she has done many treatments for me, so this peaked my interest, especially as she told me that she was doing Ancestral Healing. I booked a session of Ancestral Healing………… So many of my issues are deeply founded in past relationships, surgeries , poor health and stressful situations. On hearing more about what Ancestral Healing was all about, I decided that this was the treatment for me. Ishbel started with a session of finding and getting to know my spiritual/ancestral guide. I found this very easy as I feel my guide with me all the time, but Ishbel opened him more to me. Ishbel took me into meditation which allowed me to open up my heart and be open to ancestral experiences. We made a booking for the main session.

    The second session, Ishbel helped me re-connect with my guide and again took me into meditation but this time on a deeper level. Ishbel helped shine a light on where my issues stemmed from and gave me the power to let go and allow my old wounds of the past to heal the present. After I was brought out of the meditation, the feelings that I had entered the room with had gone, and no matter how hard I tried they would not come and still have not a few months on. I am more at peace with myself, can forgive myself and as I reflect on the past I can see my errors and those that were not of my making and forgive myself and others enabling me to move forward.

    I feel that Ishbel was nurturing and comforting throughout. I felt safe in the knowledge that Ishbel is a highly qualified practitioner and a person who cares deeply for her clients. I would like to do another few sessions with Ishbel as I feel that the journey of mine has not finished and I would like to explore other feelings. Thank you so much Ishbel.

  • Cheryl Miller

    Ishbel is an incredible practitioner. I have worked with her for a while on my healing journey. This was my second heart healing session and it was very powerful, but her support, calming presence and voice on my heart healing journey, made me feel safe, despite the difficult journey that it was. I connected with my ancestor, who lived 12th century Scotland. She came from Wales and was sold at age 12, she fell in love, not knowing her fate was decided and she was forced to be the village Mage, giving up everything she loved & her own self identity. Ishbel is very knowledgeable in the different parts of heart healing, through the information I gave prior to the session,she knew which wound needed healing, in this case the safety wound. I highly recommend getting heart healing with Ishbel.